Villa Fjellheim is situated furthermost in Jostedalsvegen, with a view to Nigardsbreen. It’s easy to find us, but hard to leave.

From Bergen to Villa Fjellheim

By Boat or bus
If you travel from Bergen you can take a boat. It takes 5 hours, and take you to Sogndal. See travel times and book a ticket for Noreld boats here.
You can also take a bus from Oslo or Bergen to Sogndal Travel by Vy bus, about 6-7 hours from Oslo, and 5-6 hours from Bergen. See travel times and book a ticket for Vy bus here.
From Sogndal to Jostedal will need a car.
By Car
It takes about 5 hours to drive by car from Bergen. From Oslo it takes about 8 hours.
If you drive electric you can charge your car on both sides of the Lærdals thunnel.
You need to take a ferry from Fodnes to Mannhellar.
Drive all the way to Gaupne where you take left to Jostedal and drive all the way through the valley.

By Plane
You can fly to Sogndal, Haukåsen airport with Wideroe. Wideroe has a reasonable maximum price of around 1000 NOK for tickets to Sogndal from Bergen and Oslo in 2024.
The plane takes less than 1 hour. There is a bus at the airport that take you to Sogndal, but I recommend to rent a car to get the most of your stay in Jostedal.